Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ibsen or Lorca???

Personally I liked the Houz of Bernarda Alba better than Hedda Gabler bcuz...
1.Lorca wasn't as hard to disect... in Ibsen scandal was kind of hidden...
~For example: Judge Brack and Hedda's secret luv 4 each other...
2.Ibsen used a lot more imagery about the physical space...
~ I cud actually c wht wht old world spain looked like
3.Characters were bolder
~Bernarda=dictator, Adela=rebel there character were a lot clearer


Alexis S said...

I would pick Lorca over Ibsen too, just because of the three points you made. I didn't like Hedda Gabler as much because the setting was only in the inner room and the drawing room, there wasn't variety. Funny thing is i could relate to Hedda's boredom in the house because it would be boring to me too if i never left.

Montrell said...

I would choose Lorca over Ibsen as well because of your three observations. But overall, Ibsen was kinda dull and boring compared to Lorca. In the House of Bernarda Alba, i was always interested and trying to figure what was going to happen next. It just grabbed my attention but most importantly it kept it!!!