Thursday, October 9, 2008

At the beginning of Act 3, it is clear that something has gone wrong. The women have been up all night. Berte offers to fix the fire, but the selfless Mrs. Elvsted urges her to let it die down and save firewood. However, when Hedda awakes she demands that the fire be brought back to life. This refers to the themes of the play's beginning, specifically to Berte's anxiety to please Hedda. Yet at the same time, much has happened since the beginning of the play. At the beginning of Act 3, one wonders if the climax of the play has been reached, offstage, at Brack's stag party.


I didn't even notice this... I neva payd much attention to Berte... And u guys iz tha climax realli in this act becuz if so i didn't notice lolz

Ibsen or Lorca???

Personally I liked the Houz of Bernarda Alba better than Hedda Gabler bcuz...
1.Lorca wasn't as hard to disect... in Ibsen scandal was kind of hidden...
~For example: Judge Brack and Hedda's secret luv 4 each other...
2.Ibsen used a lot more imagery about the physical space...
~ I cud actually c wht wht old world spain looked like
3.Characters were bolder
~Bernarda=dictator, Adela=rebel there character were a lot clearer

The pistol...

The pistol is a reoccuring object, but wht is it a symbol 4? Strength? Power? Self confidence? Death? All of the above? As Ms.D sayd it was really ironic how the pistol gave Hedda strength but also took her lyfe... and Lovborgs life 2... and the Lyfe of heddas unborn child! I think the pistol controlled Hedda more than she cud control the pistol! And when Ibsen describes Hedda her says her eyes are steel gray... And pistols r made of steel... Interesting.... how the windows to sumones soul could be the same color as sumthin that can strip sum1 of xistence...

ACT 4 (Hedda vs. Adela)

I think its verii interesting how Ibsen and Lorca both chose to end both of there pieces with the death of women. Adela and Hedda were both bond by... Well Adela was bound by society but Hedda was bound by her own self interest. It can be argued that Hedda is also bound by society but she allows society to bind her so... is that a tru possiblity? Adela had no choice but to kill herself that was the onlii way out 4 her. Adela didn't have the option of freedom any more, bcuz of Pepe death but Hedda did bcuz she was alreadii married and cuda basically did whteva she wanted to. Wht do u guys think??? Am i missing sumthin??

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hedda G. Vs. Tha Houz of B

tha houz of B.A was so much betta than hedda g. Bernarda and hedda were both depicted as villians but Bernarda was more hardcore. Bernardaa was a tru GANGSTER!! lolz but 4real... Hedda acts so strong but she isn't. Bernarda dictates and rules with an iron fist. Hedda jus rules with manipulatives bahavior.

Hedda Gabbler

Why did Ibsen choose to title his play HEDDA GABBLER instead of HEDDA TESMAN? The name gabler has to be her maiden name. y not tessman? I read somewhere that he did this bcuz he wanted to show that hedda was her fathers daughter not her husbands wife. This makes perfect sense but i wana kno what you guys think? What other possiblities are there?


Yo peeps... What were ur first thoughts about hedda ? I didn't know what to think about her. Now that I have finished the play i still don't know exactly what to think of her. She doesn't seem to have changed much. She's still mean and manipulative. What do u guys think?

Friday, October 3, 2008


what do u guys think?? Even tho hedda blatanly said tht she wud b faithful, wud she hav an affair wit the Judge? They seem a lil bit to comfortable with each other!!! And the judge does seem to hav a lil swag on him!!! lolz

tha fake SUpErStar!!!

If you are what you say you are
A superstar
Then have no fear
The camera's here
and the microphones and they wanna know
Oh oh oh oh
(Lupe Fiasco)
This is so hedda in act 2. In act1 we see her tryin to be all high, mighty and powerful! but thats just what she says she is... In reality she has fears and doesn't want to be in the spotlight bcuz she is afraid of scandal. HaHAHA she's afraid she scarey... a coward and Judge Brack knows it. SHE A FAKE! a PHONY!! omg this is so GREAT! I LUV IT !!!


Run how you want, boss Chill how you want, boss
Floss how you want, boss
Do whatcha like
Go rock your chain, boss
Pour that champagne, boss
Keep getting paid, boss
Do Whatcha likeRoss, la la, la la, la la
Do Whatcha likeRoss,la la, la la, la BOSS

This is realli weird when i was listen to this while readin tha lst act a light bulb popped ova mi head, lik WOW!

Hedda gabler is so effin bossy, and not in a gud way. She see's to have champagne taste with kool aid money. Especially since George hasnt gotten the job yet. In her mind she HAS THE RIGHT to do wht she wants and wear wht she wants and to hav what she wants and George actually follows her lead! He seems a lil Feminine to mi u guys lolz!