Thursday, February 26, 2009


In Atwood's "Siren Song" she uses allusion to show how women are blamed for the mistakes of men, but in realit men are ar fault for there own demise. This piece is based on the characters of the sirens in Homer's The Oddessey. These's sirens were seen as evil and deadly becuz their voices were sayd to cause shipwrecks. But the sailors who were men had a choice to sail whereever they wanted and needed to. The women have no control over the personal decisions tht these men made. Atwood uses the song that they sing to represent the power of women while depicting the weakness that men have. She writes this piece from the perspective of one of the 3 sirens to help prove this theme.

Atwood is imfamous for her abstract structure. This poem is a perfect example of her style. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th stanza's contain 3 lines but the 3rd stanza contains 12 lines. In the 3rd stanza Atwood uses the phrase "I don't enjoy it here" to show the reality of the womens lives. This shows that the Siren's don't want to be on the island dressed as birds. The use of "feathered maniacs" provokes a sarcastic and mocking tone. Which is the reason tht I believe Atwood structures the 3rd paragraph to be longer than the rest of the poem. Alwood also writes in free verse. The words dont rhythm and aren't in a typical organiztional format. This controdicts the lives of the Siren's, which is not free. Atwood use of controdiction between the disorganized style of writing to the structured jobs of the sirens shows how the Sirens appear to be pleased with singing the same song, but are really bored with it. This also shows the controdiction in the song itself. The song is alluring and beautiful, yet deadlii.

Atwood also structures the 3rd stanza to be longer than the rest to express the tone of the poem by speaking from the Siren's perspective. In the 3rd stanza Atwood reveals that the speaker is a Siren herself. This particular Siren doesn't wasnt to be bait for the men to crash onto the island. She clearlii wants to define her own job and responsibility.

In conclusion, Margeret Atwood alludes to the story of the Siren's to show that things that are beautiful and "irrestisible" can be "fatal". Everything that glitters isn't gold. But it's the desicions is up to you;whether to fall into the trap of the Siren or to continue on the journey that was meant for you.

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