Sunday, November 9, 2008


u guys...
Lik i was jus readin tha scene where the commissioner orders his men to charge at lysistrata and she stands strong against him, there4 the commisioner sends to men after her and kleonike stands with lysistrata. And multiple men keep trying to step 2 them but the women stand together. ITs olik this united we stand divided we fall concept... dnt u think? This theme is extremely modern day bcuz if us females would stand 2gether then we cud accomplish so much more! If we would stop being HATERS: mayb our world would be a better place. The women of athens only wanted to stop a war, and were determined to do so. despite doubt. They had tru sisterhood. They trusted each other, which is completely AWESUM!!!!


J'mag said...

Hate is fear Sohji. And I think you're right this play does focus a lot on sisterhood and also brotherhood which I think is the whole goal of the women: to restore Grecian brotherhood.
Also: ahve you considered why you call womyn females? Kristin (Y) and I had a huge conversation about this last year and aren't you demhumanizing womyn by calling them females in a way you are connoting that they are just animals or specimen that you are looking at. Like they are not like you in any way. I think the word female in our modern language has a very derogatory connotaion.

ShowTyme92 said...

O wow i didn't know about the female word bein derrogatory... nd it makes since tho... female can be used for all living things... ic tht is so screwed up!!! thts krazii how our society fines different way, thru the english language to demean womyn... can you find the word women spelled womyn in the dictionary???

Montrell said...

Before I read J'mag's comment, i was just going to say I agree that the type of sisterhood demonstrated in Lysistrata should be seen today. However, I feel we are about to have a "TOK" type discussion.I understand what you all are trying to argue to a certain extent. The entire idea and i quote "females in a way you are connoting that they are just animals or specimen that you are looking at," can be applied to men as well. Just like the word female, male is applied to "all living things."

Furthermore, I always thought calling a...... well dang, idk what to say because "female" is out of the book. Well, i thought calling women... now i cant use that seeing that Shoji wants it to be spelled "womyn". Nontheless, i believed saying "female" was respectful seeing all of the other nouns that, sadly, are used to describe "females."