Monday, November 10, 2008

Lysistrata=the Man no the WOMAN

Lysistrata was a awesum play... the plot was interestingly smooth if you ask me... I enjoyed it a lot becuz this play wasn't the vessel of confussion, lik the others plays...and there were no sudden tragedy. I think aristophanes wrote Lysistrata that way becuz the play is all about women's power. And if you think about it baq in Aristophanes tyme women were verii smooth creaters, they didn't have to much drama and they weren't made for all the up's and downs. And 2 name the play after the main character was genius, bcuz she deserves that much credit!!!! She shamed the commissioner, desciplined the women of her community by making them strong against the men, and was the main cause behing the ending of the war.She's superwomen, xcept not... lolz...


Throughout the play Aristophanes has a lot of movement. During tense moment the reader sees pace'n. The movement in the war scenes and during the scene with Myrrhine and her husband. This plat is sort of different because stage direction plays a large role. In the stage direction he uses a lot of adjectives to describe the emotion and action that is take'n place


omg on pages 80-90, the scene were Myrrhine tricks her husband into thinkin that she was gonna give in, was so HILARIOUS!!! He realli thought he was goin to get it that dae... NOT!!! This characterizes Myrrhine as very cunning, she is the onlii one who faced this temptation, and proudly stay'd strong. This scene also shows her strength. This is another scene were Aristophanes proves the POWER OF A WOMEN... It was as if her husband needed her, and she had the power to control his emotions, and his bodii instead of vice-versa. I think that this scene was so KOOL....

Peace-I give to u My pEaCe

I think it's quite interesting how Aristophanes uses plays witht the word peace. He uses peace as a person who actually speaks and has lines. And peace is what is to come of the Pelipenician (sorry 4 spellin) war. Giving Peace the opportunity to speak was a good decision why do you guys think he does that??

Sunday, November 9, 2008


"a newer, more glamorous,supremely seductive me"
This is the 5th line of the women's pledge to each other. Refraining from sex can make a person newer, glam,and seductiv... WOW go figure.... lolz, aristophanes is sayin what Mi aliyya and mi mommi have bn sayin 4eva... LADIIES havin sex with a guy WILL NOT MAKE HIM THINK U UR HOTTER!!! abstaining is basicallii recreating themselves, 4 the better. wht do yall think???


u guys...
Lik i was jus readin tha scene where the commissioner orders his men to charge at lysistrata and she stands strong against him, there4 the commisioner sends to men after her and kleonike stands with lysistrata. And multiple men keep trying to step 2 them but the women stand together. ITs olik this united we stand divided we fall concept... dnt u think? This theme is extremely modern day bcuz if us females would stand 2gether then we cud accomplish so much more! If we would stop being HATERS: mayb our world would be a better place. The women of athens only wanted to stop a war, and were determined to do so. despite doubt. They had tru sisterhood. They trusted each other, which is completely AWESUM!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fire and WAter

I found it very interestin how aristophanes uses the elements, fire and water. The men carry fire in their torches when the women have the water to put out the fire. FIre is bold, and brilliant in color, it is also some thing that has to be formed. The fire on the men's torches had to be lit. But h20 is pure,and clensing, it has the ability to destroy entire cities, it is powerful and natural. The water is symbol of a women. We have the ability to help people grown, nuture the earth, and the ability to stop the growth of the population.


OMG... I was LMBO when reading this. Lysistrata is the historic version of ZANE. It's so explicit but NOT @ tha same tyme... KINDA WIERD. I was rollin when the commissoner referred to doggy style... like WHT THA... jus think talor, this isn't even tha real version... its toned down... Aristophanes was kinda awesome if u think about it. He had the ability to express theme's in the mist of senuality. Not manii ppl can accomplish this w/o being overly, UGH if uk wht i mean. This is surprise'n 2 me bcuz baq in those daez ppl didn't tlk about sex @ all.
Who is LYSiStrata???
I think the author uses lysistrata the character to play with gender roles. of course she has feminine traits but I see her as a very masculine character for some reason. She is a leader and somewhat of a rolemodel, to the other women. I think the others attain their strength thru Lysistrata. When she proposes the idea some of the women weren't OK with it, but after she asks again then they agreed. Usually we see men, taking on the role of leader and strategist. Lysistrata also talks about a veil in relation to gender. She says that it can be removed and placed on someone else. QUITE INTERESTING IF U ASK ME!!!


HMMM... When reading i noticed that these women have a lot of control over these men. Even though back in those days women weren't seen as prominent parts of the society they had a great impact on the men. The men probably couldn't control their desires for the women. These women had the power to make or break the war. And in my eyes that is EXCELLENT! IF women would decide to refrain from sex today I wonder what whould happen... Would our world be better? Idk... 2dae sex has been made into this ugly,nasty act, but thats not the way God intended it 2 be. So mayb if we as females would actually make the chose to wait until we are married to have sex then maybe we could accomplish more. WHat do u guys think!!!