Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fire and WAter

I found it very interestin how aristophanes uses the elements, fire and water. The men carry fire in their torches when the women have the water to put out the fire. FIre is bold, and brilliant in color, it is also some thing that has to be formed. The fire on the men's torches had to be lit. But h20 is pure,and clensing, it has the ability to destroy entire cities, it is powerful and natural. The water is symbol of a women. We have the ability to help people grown, nuture the earth, and the ability to stop the growth of the population.


BooBooMyLove said...

hmmm. i get your point. But idk..i think there's more to the whole water and fire thing. When i think about it, it's kinda saying women have this control over the men, because you can either put out the fire or let it keep take on it.

ShowTyme92 said...

I agree, u mean like power is strong but water is strong type deal... I gotchu...

Montrell said...

The fire and water theme has the potential to expand into many ideas. But just continuing off of your thought, i begin to think of calmness and frustration. Fire being the frustration and water representing calmness. Throughout the majority of the play, the women were very calm like motionless water. The men on the other hand were similar to an out of control forest fire with their sexual frustration and persistence in a pointless war. This fire could only be put out by water==the women.