Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jewel... the silent mysterious type!

In Faulkners AS I lay Dying he uses the name of Addies 3rd son Jewel to characterize him as a controdictory young man to show how appearance and reality conflict. Jewel is described as a tall wooden young man, in hiz late teens. He doesn't speak much but when he does He uses profain language to express himself. Jewel is clearlii a very complex character because of this. Faulkner created Jewel with many layers. And these layers begin with his name.

The word jewel connotes elegance, and value. Jewels were worn by ppl of his social status such as monarchs and royalty. But in Faulkners as I lay Dying Jewel is far from prestige. He is a hardworker, who is committed to making money. AS i previouslii stated b4 he uses curse words when he speaks which is far from the elite ways of the monarchs that wear jewels. But on the contrary, jewels are special and need to be handled with care, becuz they are unique. Just as Jewel is.

Jewel is the special child, he is his mothers favorite. Jewel shares a different bond with his mother that hiz siblings dnt have bcuz of hiz undying luv for her. This is shown when he gives up his most prized possession, his horse, bcuz he needs money to carry out his mothers wish to be burried in Jefferson. Jewel is also special bcuz he has a different father from the rest of his siblings. He is the "Bastard child" and also the middle child. During this era it was verii uncommon for someone to have a different father than the rest of their siblings so he stood out. Bcuz he was the product of an affair he was different 4rm his siblings. He acted differentlii, he was more committed to his mother than them, he was the silent, mysterious type all thruout the story. But he doesnt kno his true paternity.

Jewels entire existance is a controdiction. He appears to be a normal middle child, odd without being awkward, simple but not ignorant. But in reality he is the depiction of the world in which we live in. Jewels character gives light to the issues that were prevalent during the era in the story, but werent discussed. Jewel is the representation of the truth and the reality that the holsum south has its flaws.